Rafael Toral

Spectral Evolution


Catalog #
LP $24.00
Compact Disc $12.00 out of stock
MP3 Download $9.99
FLAC Download $10.99

All Tracks

  1. Intro 1:30

  2. Changes 8:18

  3. Descending 2:47

  4. First Short Space 2:02

  5. Take the Train 4:23

  6. First Long Space 6:33

  7. Fifths Twice 5:23

  8. Second Long Space 5:02

  9. Your Goodbye 3:25

  10. Second Short Space 2:30

  11. Ascending :55

  12. Changes Reprise 4:14

About this product

Rafael Toral returns to the electric guitar after a decade-plus in his “Space Program,” composing only with self-built electronic modules. Here, the unique compositional fronts of guitar and electronics crush together in a powerful new synthesis, as Toral weaves twelve distinct episodes into a flowing whole. Spectral Evolution imbues the ambiance of jazz harmony-inspired interplay with dense electronic mass in a new expanding universe.

Note: Digital version is one 47:14 track.