We've just flipped to the 2017's 12th month, wherein gifts are traditionally given! And whew, in perhaps our greatest time of need, here's one for all yer December's children (and everybody's) - tonight, Ty Segall and The Freedom Band waltz back to the friendly and festive studio confines of the CONAN show! Will he render pristine the recently released singles, like "Alta" or "My Lady's On Fire"? Perhaps a burning rendition of "The Main Pretender" or "Meaning," instead? We don't know for sure, which is exciting but confusing - all we can really say is we know it's gonna sound so, so sweet! A super-televised tasty treat from the realm of the FREE is in store for all, so face your sugary addiction, America! TV has never been more exciting, so they say - we'd say the proof is in tonight's CONAN show! Watch Ty Segall on CONAN at 11PM EST (10 Central) on TBS, or succumb to the micro-aggressions of your peers when they tag you as the only one to've missed the buzz tomorrow morning!

posted December 4th, 2017
Artists in this story: Ty Segall