Ty Segall and Jesus and Mary Chain that is! Christ (and Joseph Gang), what do you think we do around here? We're a record label, so when one of our young wards lands a gig with one of our anti-heroes from back in the day (I think it was yesterday), we're the first to tell you so!! And now it can be told, a mere day-plus before the gig: Ty Segall will be down at Denton's North Texas Fairgrounds on Wednesday night, March 14th at 7pm, a "special guest" at the rescheduled Jesus and Mary Chain show that was to occur during the 35 Denton "walkable" festival but has now been rescast as a free show for the day following. Man, there's a number of storylines in this we'd like to pursue, but the word from above is to keep the news items short, and we don't want to fail that any harder than we already have. The key word, other than Ty Segall, is FREE, baby - and here's where to be in Denton for the free-ness and rockness Wednesday at 7pm: 2 blocks north of University, just west of Elm. If you don't know where in Denton that is, then you just ain't country! So start your hoofin' and hitchin' - you got less than 48 hours to get yourself there from whatever cracker hideout you're crouched in. Hurry, hurry! Step right down to getcher fill of the pure rock and roll heart of Ty Segall! His only Texas show of this week. And if that ain't country...then you know what is, Austin. Fuckin' sellout...