O’rourke-Jim! Yes, our singer-songwriter-turned-soundtrack composer has added to his shelf of accolades with a best-music award for his score to the film Kaitanshi Jokei at the 65th annual Mainichi Film Awards. See, people are just stupid “” they think Jim’s over in Japan drinking saki and chasing women. That’s true, but that’s not all he’s doing. O’Rourke-san couldn’t live unless he was pumping out music of all kinds “” improvised, composed, pop, avant-, 21st century, etc “” at a prodigious rate. The records over the last two years in addition to the prize-winning The Visitor album on Drag City (we gave it an award for Best Motherfucking Instrumental Record in Like, Forever), have involved collaborations with Loren Conners, White Out, The Thing, Rafael Toral and Oren Ambarchi and Keiji Heino. But none of those guys have won a Mainichi on their birthday. And neither have you. It makes sense though “” there’s only one Jim O’Rourke. In Japan, anyway. In Ireland and here in America, there’s a bunch for sure.

posted January 20th, 2011
Artists in this story: Jim O'Rourke