Turn On

Turn On


Drag City
Catalog #
12" EP $12.00 out of stock
Compact Disc EP $10.00 out of stock

All Tracks

  1. Electrocution of Fire Ants

  2. Plasmids

  3. Ru Tenone

  4. United States of Surrealism

  5. Young Cherry Trees Secured

  6. Triple Cause of Poetry

  7. Delimiting

  8. Glangorous

  9. Jumbleo Palipsest

  10. Gimmickry Sensational Hoax

  11. Gimmickry Hoax Sensation

About this product

Tim and Sean (from Stereolab and High Llamas, respectively) on holiday - but still in the lab. An eclectric, melodic groove-filled instrumental dance-pop EP assemblage that walks like an LP.