Neil Michael Hagerty

Plays That Good Old Rock And Roll


Drag City
Catalog #
LP $22.00
Compact Disc $12.00
MP3 Download $9.99 out of stock
FLAC Download $10.99 out of stock

All Tracks

  1. Gratitude 3:53

  2. Oklahoma Township 3:51

  3. Shaved C*nt 4:39

  4. Some People Are Crazy 3:10

  5. It Could Happen Again 1:54

  6. The Storm Song 3:08

  7. Louisa La Ray 6:31

  8. Rockslide 1:57

  9. Sayonara 2:35

About this product

Recreating himself after Royal Trux was easy (and messy and full of near-death experiences) for Neil. Master of his own fate from the get-go, our Great White Hope swaggers and staggers into the streets a man among boys, a tenor dripping heartache and the life of a thousand years to make fertile souls swoon. That Virginia soil obviously sprouts more than tobacco and ain't we lucky for it!