Papa M

Highway Songs


Drag City
Catalog #
LP $22.00
Cassette $10.00
Compact Disc $12.00
MP3 Download $9.99
FLAC Download $10.99

All Tracks

  1. Flatliners 4:33

  2. The Love Particle 2:42

  3. Adore, A Jar 2:25

  4. DLVD 2:49

  5. Coda 1:22

  6. Walking on Coronado 2:30

  7. Green Holler 2:38

  8. Bloom 2:51

  9. Little Girl 5:13

About this product

Classic Pajolian magma simmering to a crispy boil in a series of 21st century blues, broke folk, ur-metal and verite diary sketches made somewhere between the mental ward and the intensive care unit. Papa’s home!