Six Organs of Admittance

Burning the Threshold


Drag City
Catalog #
LP $23.00 out of stock
Compact Disc $12.00
Cassette $11.00 out of stock
MP3 Download $9.99
FLAC Download $10.99

All Tracks

  1. Things As They Are 4:26

  2. Adoration Song 5:28

  3. Reservoir 2:34

  4. Under Fixed Stars 5:39

  5. Around the Axis 3:02

  6. Taken By Ascent 7:12

  7. Threshold of Light 4:21

  8. St. Eustace 3:57

  9. Reflection 3:41

About this product

The gentleness found here provides much of what we need for the way forward: love, forgiveness, reality and an ever-wider view, with the understanding of our circular path in life. A powerful draught of musical essence.