The Howling Hex

All-Night Fox


Drag City
Catalog #
LP $22.00
Compact Disc $12.00
MP3 Download $9.99 out of stock
FLAC Download $10.99 out of stock

All Tracks

  1. Now, We're Gonna Sing 3:36

  2. Instilled With Mem'ry 4:26

  3. Pair Back Up Mass With 3:57

  4. Activity Risks 5:06

  5. To His Own Front Door 4:59

  6. What, Man? Who Are You?! 7:15

  7. Cast Aside The False 2:10

  8. Soft Enfolding Spreads 3:58

About this product

Exigence is in. Hagerty and crew realize the imperfection and deliver with urgency.

Now in twin-grooved LP format, for both sides of your brain!