Displaying posts 1941 - 1944 of 1944 total.

The Drag City Newsletter September 29, 2009

posted September 29th, 2009


Call ‘em what you like, we’ve got enough releases to transform the most benign of months into a musical fest surpassing all yer pathetic generic boundaries. Still, with a lineup that included Monotonix and OM, how could we not call September a month of purest rock? And with Espers, Alasdair Roberts, the music of Gnawa and singles from Bonnie Prince Billy and Bachelorette, how could October be anything but a month where we roll on to new pastures of... (read more)

The Drag City Newsletter - September 11, 2009

posted September 11th, 2009


Welcome once again to Drag City’s monthly update! Sure, since the last time you heard from us, you’ve heard from everyone else — well, let’s see…half a dozen times a day on Twitter, Facebook updates, then all those texts times…something like a month a half – Good Lord, we’ve been quadrupi-lapped (at least!) by the rest of the world! And we haven’t shaved or changed our drawers, either. Fortunately, this doesn’t mean that life-changing music hasn’t ceased rolling off of... (read more)


When Hairy Met Silly: Ben Chasny & Major Stars

posted September 1st, 2009

Drag City brings you a conversation between Ben Chasny of Six Organs of Admittance and Wayne Rogers & Kate Village of the legendary Boston group Major Stars!

Six Organs of Admittance have just released a new album Luminous Night ; Major Stars released Mirror Messenger in 2007 and are currently working on new material. Wayne and Kate also run the venerable Boston record store Twisted Village.

BEN: First with the geeky tech questions for those who want to know: What guitarist(s) made you... (read more)

Artists in this story: Six Organs of Admittance, Major Stars



posted August 12th, 2009

After years of research and development, not to mention trial and error, agony and ecstasy, love and theft, petty crime and extreme punishment, and pillaging with a refreshing lack of raping, here’s your fresh and of-the-now Drag City website. The possibilities are endless with this baby — if only it didn’t look like every other website out there! Ah, well — at least when we look at it, we know that each and every pigment in the color spectrum is made up of pure... (read more)