Trill the trumpets!
Hoist the flags!
Raise the gates of the city!
Rip the protective plastic covers off the furniture!
For lo, Joanna Newsom, balladeer without compeer, Nevada City’s native daughter and Aureate Laureate of these Austral climes, comes riding down the mountain (sidesaddle, natch) to undertake a limited Los Angeles solo residency at The Masonic Lodge at Hollywood Forever, May 15th through May 19th, 2024!
Though she rides alone this time, Joanna comes equipped with her usual blistering wind-up double punch to wreak raptures upon harp and piano alike.
I know what you’re thinking — we’re all thinking it — What’s in the saddlebag, Newsom? It’s hard to tell from here, but darn if she doesn’t seem to be packing some new tunes! What’s your pleasure? The golden oldies? Perhaps a cover song or two? A 17-minuter for the large-bladdered among us? Over the space of these five nights she’ll sing some, strum some, pluckety plunk some, and probably sonically boggle your noggin. The noggin inside your heart.
You should only read this next part if you're a child, or know one who's cool: the May 18th show will be a 3:30pm (doors at 2:30) Matinee Performance strictly for kids under 18 (and their keepers), where Mrs. Newsom has promised to forgo the "blue" material we've all come to know (and respect) her for, and instead tailor the setlist to be not only suitable for children, but specifically designed with them in mind. Tickets for this show will only be available for the little ones (and their keepers), a policy as ironclad as it is unenforceable!
Now as for the rest of the dates, old timer — mark them on your calendar, tattoo them on your forehead, brand them on the back of your wizened hands, but remember — only a ticket will get you in the door.
What side of history do you want to be on? The underside? The wet part? The index? The table of contents? Or the future of music? We think the answer, like God’s grace, speaks for herself.
Joanna Newsom L.A. Residency Dates:
5/15 - Los Angeles, CA @ The Masonic Lodge at Hollywood Forever
5/16 - Los Angeles, CA @ The Masonic Lodge at Hollywood Forever
5/17 - Los Angeles, CA @ The Masonic Lodge at Hollywood Forever
5/18 - Los Angeles, CA @ The Masonic Lodge at Hollywood Forever^
5/19 - Los Angeles, CA @ The Masonic Lodge at Hollywood Forever
^Matinee Show

posted March 11th, 2024
Artists in this story: Joanna Newsom