Round two from the dust-strewn cassettes in ye old Sic Alps archives, this time drawn from the latter stages of their comet-like trajectory. Sketches for material that landed on Napa Asylum, Sic Alps, the "She's on Top" EP, and assorted singles is all included here. The enigmatic smile through which the Alps songs are crooned, that key - levity - is oft swapped for brevity here, in the name of getting the thoughts down.
But even before studio wack was placed upon these materials, their connection to the sourcewaters of punk/folk/indie/lo-fi/psych with inspired post-wave glee is immediately apparent in Mike Donovan's demos, whether they're helium-light guit/voc rundowns or more explicitly arranged sonug portraits. Hey, want to have 18 minutes of your life that you'll keep getting back in spades? Plug it in yer neck and see!
Stream and/or download this second demos installment on the Sic Alps plan, Supplemental Cozy now!