And you ask yourself: Is this a dream my bones are dreaming? No, it's really happening! Eiko Ishibashi is set to tour Europe for a second time this year, so you better wake dem bones up! With everyone's ears still gleaming from all the fine music from The Dreams My Bones Dream (her latest LP, you under-rock-dweller, you!), it's no wonder a return engagement was requested - who could resist hearing Eiko's dense harmonies and sensuous melodies rumble through the room in personal audience, with sound washing over one's ears at a non-negotiable volume?
We're damn tempted to jump on the next plane to Germany ourselves - or who knows, hit up Le Guess Who? Festival in Utrecht - for such an encounter, and we can only surmise that you're doing something similar with a plane, train or Superbus, if you're not fortunate enough to live in one of the towns below - go see Eiko Ishibashi live in Europe!
10/18/19 Week-End Fest @ Stadthalle Köln-Mülheim Cologne Germany*
10/25/19 Klappfon @ Wurm Basel Switzerland*
10/27/19 Grillx Vienna Austria*
11/1/19 KM28 Berlin Germany*
11/2/19 Herbbel Am Ufer Berlin Germany*
11/3/19 Conne Island Leipzig Germany*
11/7/19 Le Guess Who? 2019 Utrecht Netherlands*
11/9/19 Sonic City Kortrijk Belgium*
*w/ Tatsuhisa Yamamoto & Joe Talia

posted October 16th, 2019
Artists in this story: Eiko Ishibashi