Time goes by and just gets faster as it goes. Case in point: in just two short years Mike Donovan has led The Peacers towards sophomore stomp Crimsmen-dom, released his second solo outin', How to Get Your Records Played In Shops, made a third solo for good measure, then moved across the country from his SF outpost to start a new life. So! Enter Exurbian Quonset, Mike's latest ur-pop phantasm; melodic evocations of personal moods, private memories, dreams and illusions, stamped in his distinctive antic untameters.
Culling footage from Mike's magikal mystery trip as he and his new BRIDE headed east to inaugurate a new life, this visual sampler illumines his cheerful, clattering deconstruction of the rock and roll music as we may have known it, while also allowing Mike a chance to further hotmix the trax, stringing bits and pieces of "Digital Dan," "Iwata Wise,""Zone Dome," "Wot Do Rich People Do All Day," "Hate Mail Writer" and "My System", to make a soundtrack of the the stunning black and white images that mark the path from one place to another.
Sit down and buckle up for the release of Exurbian Quonset on 5/24 and get miss your chance to see Mike D on tour at the following cities!
4/27/19 DRKMTTR Nashville TN*
4/28/19 Butchertown Social Louisville KY*
4/29/19 Healer Indianapolis IN*
4/30/19 Cafe Mustache Chicago IL*
5/1/19 Cafe Bourbon St. Columbus OH*
5/3/19 Alphaville Brooklyn NY*
*w/ Surface To Air Missive