Mark Fosson has been playing guitar for almost fifty years and his mastery of the instrument is undeniable! Take "Once Was A Time" for instance -- his bristling, fluid action evokes an ebullient energy motoring down an endless, melodic highway. Fosson's playing conjures the sound of a string quartet, each strum and pluck harmoniously amalgamating to create a stunningly centripetal sound sure to explode even the heaviest heads out there. That golden, eternal promise of the guitar is exactly what Mark delivers: the air around these performances is a colorful, curving wave of steel-stringed beauty! With the pungency of free-wheeling wit and recollection, Mark Fosson's "Once Was A Time"is a masterful work, the kind it takes a lifetime to assemble - thankfully it's been assembled in this lifetime!
Take a listen below and pre-order Solo Guitar now, before it's July 28th release!