Six Organs of Admittance is forever Ben Chasny, but the nature of its existence is often collaborative. Take a look at the liner notes for any given record and you'll see contributions from Elisa Ambrogio, Al Cisneros, Matt Sweeney, Eyvind Kang, Chris Corsano, Haley Fohr, or Damon & Naomi - it's simply an essential strain of 6OOA DNA. It's no surprise, then, that BBC Radio 3 came calling, inviting Chasny to partake in one of their collaborative Late Junction Sessions. And so, on a trip to London for the exclusive release show for Burning The Threshold, the brand new and extra fresh Six Organs album, Chasny took his acoustic guitar on a little detour over to Maida Vale Studios for an improvised recording session with sitar player Baluji Shrivastav and drummer Steve Noble. The whole thing was recorded and mixed in one day, and it's supremely beautiful. Dig listening to 3 heads moving as a single unit? We know you do, particularly when Six Organs of Admittance is involved! Hop on board this train, my friend, and tune in to BBC Radio 3 at 11PM BST tonight - UK residents will find it on the FM dial! For the rest of the world over, this performance and interview will be archived and available for listening online just after it airs, right here.

posted April 18th, 2017
Artists in this story: Six Organs of Admittance