"The world is rubbish. It's a colation of inescapable feelings and fabricated nonsense, each propping the other up. Crab Day is an old holiday. Crab Day is a new holiday. Crab Day isn't a holiday at all." It's hard to believe it's already a year since, with these words, Cate Le Bon introduced our 21st century calendar to an all-new, take-or-leave it event for the calendar with which to do what you wish - at last! No chasing after eggs, or demands of candy in the sack. No worship of sky-wizards and their awesome sons. Just a gateway day, an annual event to send you ever upward in the world with no other goals or requirements. As should be! And what better way to celebrate Crab Day than to gift the album of the same name to yourself, or someone just like you! Or someone who should be like you....the permutations are every-quantizing! To commemorate this fine and fancy event, we're offering direct to you discounted versions of not just Crab Day LPs and CDs, but also Cate's "murdered darlings" from the same sessions, the inestimable "Rock Pool" 12" EP. On sale on Crab Day and Crab Day only!

posted April 14th, 2017
Artists in this story: Cate Le Bon