There is a fifth dimension beyond that which is known to man. It is a dimension as vast, infinite, and timeless as space (big bang is only a theory, man). It is the middle ground between light and shadow, between science and superstition, and it lies between the pit of man’s fears, and the summit of his knowledge. This is the dimension of imagination. It is an area which we call…The Goldilocks Zone. Dan’l Boone are in fixed orbit, destined to travel the space-ways of the Goldilocks Zone and reach Planet Rock. They have created the mothership with which to raise the funky planet, leaving the turgid, lifeless zones behind in search of a higher consciousness. While in flight, the band revealed the first real piece of the Dan’l Boone puzzle. The motley crew of heavy hitters who make up Dan'l Boone (Neil Michael Hagerty, Nate Young, Alexander Moskos and Charles Ballas) project a video so beyond the comprehension of this galaxy that it might just be surrounding you as you read this, and you've simply been unaware! Aw, who are we kidding - with heavy, droning bass and cryptic blasts of sonic buzz, even the most jaded noise junkie’s ear will perk! Check out the visual mindfuck that is “Mindface” and preorder your copy of Dan'l Boone's S/T record today!
9/25/14 The Owl Chicago IL
9/26/14 ESS Chicago IL
9/27/14 Cropped Out Festival Louisville KY
9/28/14 Strange Matter Richmond VA
9/29/14 The BANK Baltimore MD
9/30/14 Johnny Brenda's Philadelphia PA
10/1/14 The Shop Pittsburgh PA
10/2/14 Saint Vitus Brooklyn NY
10/3/14 Flywheel Easthampton MA
10/4/14 Lilypad Boston
10/5/14 La Vitrola Montreal Quebec Canada
10/6/14 Double Double Land Toronto Canada
10/7/14 Trinosophes Detroit MI