Whoa did shit just get real or whut? Seems like just yesterday we were merely teasing n pleasing y'ol with "Physical Emotions" in it's various forms of 7", video, and remix-to-the-max (courtesy of efil4zaggin Liars, what!). But Bananas gotta get peeled when they're ripe, whether there yellow, green, or our favorite, BLACK, and so, less than a week from the release of Electric Brick Wall, the Black Bananas 2nd full full-length, hongry monkeys with the dial-up get a well-deserved treat: Electric Brick Wall is streaming on Pitchfork Advance all this week! Don't go hungry while you wait for your copy of Electric Brick Wall to arrive, go stuff your face with an appetizing, virtual bunch of Black Bananas this very second and tide yourself over in anticipation of grabbing your LP, CD or freakin' cassette copy of Electric Brick Wall next Tuesday, June 24th, at your corner market!

posted June 18th, 2014
Artists in this story: Jennifer Herrema, Black Bananas