The news is it out! Ty Segall is on the loose again and going for broke this August with Manipulator, an all-new, all-ROCK double-LP, also available on cassette and compact disc. Multicolored manias abound as our young fuzz-master breaks the dials in search of the ultimate distortion, combing dark and light tones together into the long hair of seventeen songs. Fresh beats abound and savage rock sits heavily next to hip-shakin' sunshine pop as Ty sets the kitchen sink on fire! Yeah - it's true that Manipulator features some of the heaviest tones every emitted from the Segall stack, but there's also some of the cleanest tones Ty's ever created in there too, some sounds not before heard in Ty-land and touches from rock in a sweet place too - but the songs never queit, and it all grinds together like the gears of the machine that'll CRUSH YOU if you don't pay attention, plus it's all laced together with a dynamic display of vocalese, making Manipulator an everlasting MOST of an album. Now, given that this record won't crack your conciousness all the way open until August, that's a lot of summertime blues to put on you. So, we offer you two kinds of salve: the first, a great long list of live dates following the album release for you to ALSO look forward to. As for the hear and now, if you've already ordered the "Feel" single, then you have one last recourse: the Manipulator official album trailer, with bits from a half-dozen of the forthcoming songs along with a wild ride from Ty and his Manipulator gang. RED-HOT ALERT! An unknown number of Manipulators are coming to your town on August 26th - and all we can tell is that the number keeps on growing....