It's official! Black Bananas are ripe and ready to peal out! "Physical Emotions" is primed and ready for your ears to feel, your hands to grip. For real, listen to it now! The jam's a-streamin' and a-steamin! Then follow your animal instincts and preorder the "Physical Emotions" 7", cause the b-side's got another butt-grinding jam-down - Rad Times Xpress IV's "TV Trouble" remixed by Hot Chip!
"Physical Emotions" is the initial bolt n' jolt from Electric Brick Wall, the sweat-dripping, hot-wired construction made of regenerated parts of the sound of all music - the sound of everything, everywhere! Electric Brick Wall is an all-new trip over the top, the Jennifer Herrema sound-vision aesthetic iconic-ally realized beyond the previously known borders of the universal mind, modified to exist within the borders of human experience. (Yeah, production's next-level, yo!) Electric Brick Wall hits June 24th; but you're set to boogie til then with Black Bananas' "Physical Emotions!"

posted March 20th, 2014
Artists in this story: Black Bananas