Some of the softest and strangest sounds ever to arrive at our door step were also the most welcomed, and they come from a group known as Woo. Emboldened and emblazoned by the success of the recent reissue of It's Cosy Inside, Mark and Clive Ives, the nucleus of Woo, had a listen to hundreds of previously unreleased tracks recorded in the 70s and 80s to assemble their first new record in two decades, an album ripe with addictive and (deceptively) airy jams. When The Past Arrives is instantly recognizable, its vibrantly pulsing sounds as comforting and contented as one could ever hope to experience (particularly when cocooned in mid-winter's icy grip) in this (new) age or any other. Woo warm you up in all the right places as When The Past Arrives "arrives" from Drag City / Yoga Records on March 18th!

posted January 15th, 2014
Artists in this story: Woo