Wonder is the word! A winterized Bonnie 'Prince' Billy needs little in the way of extra clothing to keep warm; as long as his dear friends are near, an inner glow emanates from his wolf-soul and permeates outward. That burning light touches us in more ways and places than we ever thought possible (physical contact is scary!), and with greater frequency, we count on it for guidance through the darkening days leading up to winter solstice. If you think that you too might be seeing a darkness, we can't recommend this method more; switch on your internal light box, let the animal of your soul's light run wild. Here's a golden opportunity to do so: Bonnie 'Prince' Billy tours this month through the middle west region of these United States! These shows feature Bonny performing alone - that is, he's gonna need your heart's arms reaching out in the darkness in order to keep his inner-self glow-strong. Ah, the two-way street of concert-going. You can be fans with benefits! Warming up the zone each evening with ephemeral sonic languidity and deep, meditat-o-vibage is Bitchin Bajas - the perfect, energizing preparation for a night alone (with a bunch of other people) with Bonnie 'Prince' Billy!
12/13/13 Majestic Theatre Madison WI w/ Bitchin Bajas
12/14/13 Contemporary Art Museum St. Louis St. Louis MO w/ Bitchin Bajas
12/15/13 The Englert Theatre Iowa City IA w/ Bitchin Bajas
12/16/13 Cedar Cultural Center Minneapolis MN w/ Bitchin Bajas