Like an acupuncture needle delicately inserted into the core of your gourdtex, Masaki Batoh's Brain Pulse Music is both revealing and frightening at the same time. Unlocking the inner mysteries of universal mind, Brain Pulse Music sonically appropriates the alpha, delta and theta waves emanating from a human brain in the meditative state. With deft precision, Batoh directs these signals from a subject to the Brain Pulse Machine, then manipulates and amplifies them in front of an audience to mind-altering effect. For participants, audience and other-worldly observers alike, it's a sensation like no other. This month, in select European cities, Batoh endeavors to tap into and draw out from the brain once more, as he brings the BPM on the road beginning October 24th.
For those in the want but too far from the cities below to experience it live, Brain Pulse Music is an album, too! A requiem for the victims of the Great East Japan Earthquake and subsequent Fukushima nuclear disaster, Brain Pulse Music utilizes the Brain Pulse Machine with traditional Japanese instruments as an affecting stereo encounter. If that isn't enough for you mind-flaying freaks, you too can train to become master of your own Brain Pulse Machine, by purchasing one here! There weren't that many machines made - so sign up and become one of a handful of BPM masters world-wide! Just make sure to watch the instructional video in order to determine that you can actually handle it - the tones within your mind will find you, but generating them will require practice and experience to obtain the quietude of mind needed consistently get the most out of the machine. From there, it's merely a gateway to great highs, just like the ones in the lucky cities below are sure to experience!
10/24/13 Cafe OTO London United Kingdom w/ Zomes. Performing an acoustic guitar and vocal set.
10/25/13 The Workman's Club Dublin Ireland Performing Brain Pulse Music
10/26/13 1000FRYD Aalborg Denmark Performing Brain Pulse Music
10/27/13 Supersonic Festival Presents Bring To Light Birmingham United Kingdom Performing Brain Pulse Music
10/30/13 SOY Festival Nantes France Performing Brain Pulse Music
10/31/13 Centro de arte y Tecnología (Etopia) Zaragoza Spain Brain Pulse Music