In today's Bonnewz, we've sat silently on this item for years - but now that the international moviegoing audience has succumbed to the appeal of Iron Man 3, we feel compelled to bring to your attention motion picture director Shane Black and Robert Downey, Jr.'s total superfandom for Bonnie 'Prince' Billy's 1996 album, Arise Therefore! Shane, writer and director for Iron Man 3 (starring Robert Downey, Jr.) also wrote and directed Kiss Kiss Bang Bang (from 2005, and again, starring Robert Downey, Jr.), the credit sequence of which features an obvious (ominous?) homage (copyright infringement?) to the front cover of this epochal album. Don't just take our word for it, look for yourself - by buying a copy of Arise Therefore, duh! Each n' ev'ry one of you Black/Downey, Jr. freaks might best hop on board if you consider yourself a true fan - because lawd knows you wanna be a fan of the OG, right? Then go and see Iron Man 3 for the 10th time again like you were gonna anyway - and guess what? You may find another handful of subtle visual clues leading you back to the Palace of Bonny and the fountain of true wisdom. You hear it here first - the Bonnie keeps his steel stainless and renders Iron hot, all the way til it melts, OK?

posted June 17th, 2013
Artists in this story: Bonnie "Prince" Billy