1940s avant-garde filmmaker and subsequent Hollywood outside-insider Curtis Harrington directed everything from cult-adored horror films like Night Tide, Games and What's the Matter with Helen? as well as beloved 70s-80s TV dross, Charlie's Angels and Dynasty. With a career arc beginning in 1940s, his deeply intuitive and evocative approach to filmmaking were heralded by luminaries of the era like Maya Deren and Kenneth Anger (whose Inauguration of the Pleasure Dome featured Curtis in a starring role). In the 1950s, Curtis worked as an assistant to Jerry Wald and by the 1960s, he was working within the Roger Corman stable. All the while, Harrington was living as part of the elite/exile subculture of gay men in Hollywood, a glimpse of which is included in his memoir, Nice Guys Don't Work In Hollywood. Both a serious study in film aesthetics and a gossipy tell-all, Nice Guys Don't Work in Hollywood presents a broad cast of characters and collaborators including Dennis Hopper, Shelley Winters, Marilyn Monroe, James Caan, Simone Signoret, Stanley Kubrick, Gloria Swanson and Aaron Spelling. Curtis chronicles the the ins and outs of the film and TV business, providing a truly unique look at the long-term prospects behind the 20th century Hollywood dream. If these words don't give you enough reason to drop everything you're doing and order a copy of Nice Guys Don't Work in Hollywood today, then the big teaser below is sure to take you over the top and past the edge. Hollywood freaks unite! Grab Curtis Harrington's provocative memoir, Nice Guys Don't Work in Hollywood right here, this minute!

posted May 30th, 2013
Artists in this story: Curtis Harrington