Hey there and hello - pleased to stream you! Don't be alarmed should you feel the earth shaking, we feel it, too! And for once it isn't simply due to the fact we've gone off our meds - which, by the way, is everybody else's fault and not ours. Nope; instead, all this rumble comes from the freely streaming debut album from Ensemble Pearl! Crazy shit, that - we're letting folks in on the listening game a little early for once, just to see how it feels, and only with an album that's sure to LITERALLY move people, even within the reedy waveforms that the streamin' sound embodies. Ensemble Pearl, an amalgam of Stephen O'Malley, Atsuo, Michio Kurihara and William Herzog, are part power/ part necro-sexiness, all waxed up and ready to shoot the endless curl through this ocean of a game we call, life and the art we call, dying. Ponder that deepnessitude before you hop over to where it's exclusively a-streaming in advance of it's natural release - just make sure you're strongly grounded, else-wise this joy ride could turn into a rip-tide... and no one likes to experience a gnarly wipe-out of a trip. But word - this is almost absolutely guaranteed to be an incredible trip, no matter what you ingest (or don't, for you cleanse-heads out there) beforehand. Ensemble Pearl's self-titled album comes out in less than a week - Tuesday, March 19th, to be exact - so bask mightily in the unusual glory of satiating your ears before then. Then when the time comes, head on over to your mom n' pop to grip the debut slab of sonic tome entitled, Ensemble Pearl!

posted March 14th, 2013
Artists in this story: Ensemble Pearl