The Best Of The Howling Hex? Why yes, it is - the best of their releases this year, at least. That's a fact you can take to the bank (along with the fact that this is a new album of new music, and not a greatest hits of any kind), and a fact which you dang sure should take from the bank all the way to your local head shop to pick up the latest from Neil Michael Hagerty and the gang. The Howling Hex may've relocated to the borders of Denver, deep within the confines of these U.S. of A's, but their futuristic sounds are still on the fringe - just where your ears sit, right? What would some Howling Hex sounds be like without some wack n' fact visuals, right? That's where we gotcha. How do boxing Cobains and Dubya Bushes sound? Cause that sounds like high hi-brow-larious entertainment, to us! Splice in some downright hallucinatory cut and paste video moments, loop it like you're on thorazine and you've got exactly what you wanted, all hand delivered and rolled up spliff-like. Groovy? Gravy! Get penny-wise and watch the new Howling Hex video for "Primetime Clown!"