Got a death wish? Cause if you're looking for a way out, "Christmas Eve Can Kill You," declare Dawn McCarthy and Bonnie 'Prince' Billy, by way of a booty-fool new 7" sheduled to hit streets just in time to stuff your stockings! Well hell, even right before then, to be truthful. You're sharp, you'll have it in time to bring home for Turkey-day, Black Friday, the 8 days of Chanukah, Beethoven's birthday and even and especially the grim blandness of Festivus, if you're like the rest of us. Regardless, this special l'il holyday rekkid's gonna be yours, and we predict that you'll love it the way you loved the last great holiday chuckle from these elf-buds Dawn and Bon, Wai Notes! Or maybe even possibly a little bit more? See, "Christmas Eve Can Kill You" exceeds the impact you receive from 'just a 7"' - it stands on its own, yes, as both (a) single and (b) sonic Chrimble card, but also (see) as invitation to the partyinest sock-hop of 2013, the release of a full-length of co-labbin' from Bonnie Boo and Dawn the Faun, a wicked little manger bed with two stars above it, consisting entirely of the Everly Brothers. So fuck the bed-sheets: all you really need these days is to lie down in some honest-to-goodness, classically re-sewn covers, right? Especially in this economy! Anywhichhow, you've got the news - now get the fuck out there knowing that, "Christmas Eve Can Kill You," November 20th! This holiday season, you'll be coming home... in a body bag!

posted October 15th, 2012
Artists in this story: Bonnie "Prince" Billy, Faun Fables, Dawn McCarthy & Bonny Billy