It's finally upon us, heads! Masaki Batoh is taking his brain and its machine on the road. The first jaunt, before an eventual trip to the new lands of the Americas, occurs in Europe. It's a mini-tour, perhaps, but it's perfect for the considerable amount of collective consciousness it takes to perform such material as that found on Batoh's Brain Pulse Music, or the improvised mental sets he's sure to flex live, with his Brain Pulse Music Machine. Yes, the BPM Machine, which you yourself can own if you act fast - they're in exclusive, limited supply. It's the only instrument we know for sure Batoh is bringing with him on tour, so prepare to be inundated with the true-to-satori-mind aural enchantment only possible via the alpha, delta, and theta waves of Masaki Batoh. Engage your vacant mind with his, ok? Go check Masaki Batoh, Ghost's ultimate guide, in the following locations:
6/14/12 SONAR Festival Barcelona Spain
6/15/12 Kunsten Centrum Hasselt Belgium
6/17/12 Le Kab Geneva Switzerland
6/18/12 The Prince Albert Brighton United Kingdom
6/19/12 Café Oto London United Kingdom