For a price, of course! In the midst of record store day madness last weekend, perhaps your ear, eye, or ear-eye hybrid caught something about a Bonnie 'Prince' Billy condom. It wasn't your imagination! That Bondom should've been catching for you! And now, it can. In case you came up dry at your favorite music hole, Bonnie "Prince" Billy condoms can be obtained by anyone with the desire, the need and courage to purchase them from our ephemeral shop, Drag City's house of aphrodisiacs and prophylactics, for a limited time only!! Have a hot date and expect to go all the way? Bonny got you covered, man! Girls night out but you want to feel secure? Keep a little Bondom in your purse, cause you never know when you'll meet Mr. Somebody. Besides, who knows what he'll be carrying? You want a face you can trust in the bedroom, something the Bondom provides with each and every sexual experience. Buy now and avoid later life regrets -- these are going alarmingly (some might say depressingly) fast!

posted April 24th, 2012
Artists in this story: Bonnie "Prince" Billy