Ack! Ick! What happened over the weekend, some homeless folk come in and use our warehouse as a shit station? It's so fucking filthy in h... oh wait, that makes sense - Toward the Low Sun, the new batch of jams from Dirty Three, is shipping out to mom and poop shops all 'cross the USA this week, duh!!! Maybe you heard about these guys from down under (definitely come from under sumpin...), Dirty Three? It's been seven years since they made a record proper, but christ they sure know how to shake off the stink - Toward The Low Sun is oozing with it. Well, don't spend all day listening to us - we gotta go clean up. Read more about it, then listen to the grime over at NPR's First Listen! Just make sure you're stocked with q-tips... Then come on back to us and grab a copy of Toward The Low Sun yourself, y'hear?

posted February 20th, 2012
Artists in this story: Dirty Three