People everywhere are always asking us, "what's up with J-New? Has she made a new record? Will she play my birthday party?" All the time! Sometimes when we're in the john, cuddled up to the urinal, and we hear "Do you know Joanna...?" So often, we leave people hanging. But not today! Come on, ask us! No, she won't play your birthday party, but we can safely report: Joanna Newsom did ACL and tore that shit up right good! No, not that ACL, sportsfans - Austin City Limits, kimosabe! Hang your winter blues on the fact you can sit safe in your home this Saturday night, throw a log on your digital fireplace, curl up with a blankie, bend the rabbit ears on your television (still got one of those?) and tune into your public broadcasting channel (check local listings) and indulge. Revel in the fact that, after numerous appearances on late night television featuring short or abbreviated jams, ACL affords Joanna and her band to stretch out and play all songs as they were intended, regardless of length. It's a virtual world and you're gonna love this opportunity, we virtually guarantee it. Shit, even Fleet Foxes are psyched for this one; so much so, they insist their ACL performance be shown on the same episode as Joanna's. Double bill, triple whammy! Come on, sneak a peak with this link. And thank us for making your Saturday night!

posted January 20th, 2012
Artists in this story: Joanna Newsom