Now when the music stops, find yourself a chair and sit on it. No pushin' people on the ground, no sittin' before the music stops, no "duck, duck, goose digressions," for Christ's almighty sake. And no, you can't go to the bathroom right now. This is important. No poutin' shoutin' or fuss aboutin', alright? Now, if you are lucky enough to be in the grace-a God and he wills that you win our little contest, your good friend and soundsystem operator Brigadeer Damus will take the self-portrait you sent in and turn it into a wonderful t-shirt. Not only that – settle down kids – not only that, but kind Bonny Prince Billy put together a beautiful book full of his own hymns (some of which can't be mentioned in this holy place) and has promised to inscribe a personal note to each winner on one of the pages. Hush now! Mothers - can we get the children to quiet themselves? Now, we won't be singing Bonny's songs during service, so don't get your nose buried so deep in your prizes as to where you forget about your missals and proper hymnals – what’s that? Brigadeer Damus informs me he already made the t-shirts after Bonny picked the winners. Well, even though we all love hearing "Hear I Am Lord" on what our good friend and potential parishioner Brigadeer Damus calls a dub and what actually sounds like the song played on ten different speakers at the same time but at different speeds, if we can avoid hearing those car stereos attached to milk crates then God bless the Lord. Good people, here are the winners of the Bonnie Prince Billy Wolfroy Goes to Town self-portrait t-shirt contest. Thank you to all for entering, we wish you all could be winners. And in a way, you all are. But in this contest, there are only four winners:

(left to right)
Tom Graham from Raleigh, North Carolina, USA
Michael McLeod from Eastern Passage, Nova Scotia, Canada
Kaley Evans from Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada
Dan from Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA
Congratulations! You four all will receive a hand numbered edition of Royal Stable Words with a personal dedication dated and signed by Will Oldham. Plus a one of a kind t-shirt made just for you in the Drag City sweatshop with your self-portrait on the front, in just the size you requested!
We'll be mailing out the packages this week, so look for them in the mail. Special thanks to our heathen t-shirt model.
Keep on making, brethren -
Drag City