It's that time of year again: time for our little greed-mitts to get itchy while our festive, embroidered stockings hang rotting from the mantle. What kinduh goodies will Saint Nick spray into 'em this year? Whatever the shape, size or substance, it'll be all the more awkward for everyone if your "Santa" is "secret" and doing God-knows-what in the cubicle next to you (like it is here at the mothership, moan!). Anyway, no one knows more about SantaGod and his magikal ways than Bonnie "Prince" Billy, who once again has elected to gift himself to the worthy cause of Second City's Letters To Santa charity event, now a decade in the running. The thing kicks off tonight when Loose Fur's Jeff Tweedy phones it in from Minneapolis, then carries on for 24 consecutive hours of improv, music, and (again) God-knows-what all in the name of charity: proceeds go to disenfranchised Chicago families needing help and cheer on Christmas day. Our Bonny "the-red-nosed" Billy hits the stage at the entirely convenient time of 5AM, right when the chestnuts are most heavily salted and the Nog hits hardest - our favorite time of day, naturally! After tea-time, that is...Anyhaw, won't you join us? Come to Chicago's Second City and have a have a charitable ball with Bonnie, for the benefit of some of those worse off than you! It's true, they exist too.

posted December 6th, 2011
Artists in this story: Bonnie "Prince" Billy