Time's changed, brother, so Drag City's turned its clock back accordingly. Of course, in doing so we've only come to realize the dark days of winter are truly creeping up the ol' behind, a deep freeze near the back door. Alas, 200 Years provides an antidote to conquer (or enhance, given your preference) these early grey days both aurally and visually! 200 Years officially grace each-and-every-one of us with their debut, self-titled album tomorrow, November 8. In celebration, they've delivered a cake-like present in the form of a video for the album's first single, "Solar System!" Still don't get it? Here's the gist: Elisa Ambrogio and Ben Chasny teamed up to craft a record so stimulating you'll quietly ease from "blue" to black. They call their band, 200 Years. 200 Years will surprise you. The video for "Solar System," appropriately titled considering the current tilt to the Earth's axis, was created by Cam Archer. See it for yourself and connect with a natural force that will surely bring a black-light into your life: "Solar System," by 200 Years, debuts here:

posted November 7th, 2011
Artists in this story: 200 Years