Goddamn, DCHQ phone lines have been buzzing with votes, praise, and vitriol (naturally...) for the Victory Chimp, A Book Commercial contest finalists. You Howling Hex fans sure are a feisty bunch with sharp-pronged little opinions, ain'tcha? So Drag City in conjunction with The Howling Hex want to say thank you: thank you to everyone who contributed; and thanks to all you opinionated mf'ers out there. We considered your words after we'd taken a hard look in the mirror, complete with laughter and tears. And you weren't even judging us! We were judging you. Alright, let's get on with it. The winner of the **Victory Chimp, A Book Commercial Contest is: Sonja Eklund. All you Tulsa folk -- stay glued to your TV set to catch so you won't miss the official Victory Chimp, A Book commercial air live! The rest-o-ya, pick up the real thing, Victory Chimp, A Book 4xCD Audio Book, from your local retailer June 21st**.
Moving deeper into the world of The Howling Hex, Neil Michael Hagerty and co. are kicking it live in New York at the Cake Shop on Saturday, June 11! It's a semi-rare one-off appearance in the midst of a recording session for the next Howling Hex record, so don't miss it, maidens and mensches of Manhattan. To getcha pumped, dig this live Hex footage from the last time around. They achived this without a single light show, vid projection or any other damn thing! This is just what you see when you attend a show played by The Howling Hex. And it comes through on film too! Don'cha miss that Cake Shop show now, hear?