We spend so much time talking bout Will Oldham the musician, we sometimes forget how well rounded he is. As an artist! The dude can act, too, and while we don't like to muse on that (under)side of him too much, sometimes we're just totally compelled-- such as now! Will does his comedy like no one else, and it's full-on flaming in the latest season of The Internet Shack. Shit being funny and all, we're hip to turning you onto it, like we do with funny fucks and freaks alike literally all the time (Neil Hamburger, The People Under The Stares, etc.). Anyway, The Internet Shack is a collaboration between Michael Sieben (Thrasher Magazine, Volcom) and Mike Aho, who we been directing videos for Drag City artists such as Bonnie 'Prince' Billy and RTX for mini-ages now. You can catch Will in about half the TIS episodes this season, so do yourself a favor-- point and click away from your innernet porn for a sec and appease your funny boner for a change.

Shacking Up With Will Oldham
posted March 21st, 2011
Artists in this story: Bonnie "Prince" Billy, RTX, Will Oldham