Another week gone in the world of Drag City (and, we assume, elsewhere) - another series of subtle changes to not only the content but indeed, the very form of the Drag City website. Even when you're not looking and not listening and not reexamining every blessed page of (and thangs, etc) are changing! In fact, every time you check in with us here, riddle yourself thus: what's different about this picture? Case in point (at last!): this week, we've slowly been introducing the soundfiles of Gastr del Sol to the website, almost all of which are now available to the digital consumer in you. What this does is at the very least, twofold: firstly, it's the debut of Gastr del Sol to the world of legal downloadable content! Yeah, they've never been available before, anywhere ever. This brings us to the second effect: this brings long out-of-print Gastr works such as The Serpentine Similar and "Mirror Repair" back to the counter at long last. And we think you're gonna dig these early works, especially "Mirror Repair" which may be your scribe here's favorite Gastr record ever! Plus, since Camoufleur and Upgrade & Afterlife have been gone on CD for a good while as well, you now have an way of purchasing them that is offically sanctioned by the band. Where does that leave Crookt, Crackt, or Fly? Ah, you noticed - it isn't available for digital download like all the rest. True - but at least its available on CD. And you know the Drag City website - it'll likely grow that feature all on its own sometime soon. Keep your eyes peeled and burning!