Spiritual waves vibe their way through the doors of Drag City on a daily basis. Some envelop us, others are cast aside, and more still are channeled, funneled, and put to proper use. Such is the vibe-tide rolling in from Japan, where Ghost-man Masaki Batoh is meditating on his upcoming special performance at Manda-La2, Kichij ji in Tokyo on Monday, September 20. Why so special? Well, aside from being a rare solo performance with guests Kazuo Ogino (Lute, Harp, etc.) and Japanese folksters Akiko Hodaka and Eddie Koama (Piano, Agt, Vox) helping out, it is also a preparatory gig for Batoh's upcoming solo tour of the USA, beginning October 29th at the Knitting Factory in New York. Expect a totally acupunctured East coast, and, if the positive energy can reach it, a physical journey to the West coast, too. Masaki Batoh takes the nation by gentle storm! Keep your third eye on this page for more dates and details in the attainable future.

It's Batoh's World, We Merely Channel It
posted September 16th, 2010
Artists in this story: Masaki Batoh