As we speak, Neil Hamburger is floating his way across the Atlantic towards jolly England-- unable to afford a plane ticket, he's been reduced to paddling a second-hand life raft through the shark infested seas! Assuming he makes it, Neil will then embark on a hitchhiking mission in the desperate hopes of arriving in Edinburgh by Monday, where he'll begin his week-long stint as dishwasher and (oh, yeah) entertainer at Edinburgh's quite legendary Assembly rooms. After that, if his modest dishwashing fee is paid in cash, he'll be able to take a train down to London, where he'll begin a 6 day residency as main attraction at the Soho Theatre! While he's abroad, expect to see him busking in every dark corner of the red light district (don't forget to tip-- have pity on the homeless)... and then catch him up in Ireland for a couple real gigs, too! Here're the dates.

Neil Hamburger Crosses The Pond
posted August 13th, 2010
Artists in this story: Neil Hamburger