What would we do without singles to get us through the dregs (i.e., peers) of the day? They're beautiful, often hard to find, perfect little boutique artifacts that engage and tantalize, offering a peak into the musical world of exciting artists both youthful and geezed-out alike. And how fuckin' cute are they as portable, digital files, especially when sweetly and sensuously plucked from the giving, bountiful Bonnie 'Prince' Billy tree of songs? Epically cute, baby! On this day in 2010, Bonnie delivers us a special digital gift, available exclusively from our web store-- a digital single for the supple jams, "Without Work You Have Nothing" b/w "Afraid Ain't Me" that have, to date, been otherwise wholly unavailable in the digital realm. For those of you lucky enough to pick up a 1st pressing copy of The Bonny Princerino's 2009 album, Beware, you will recognize the tunes (these songs have subsequently been deleted from the record), but otherwise, it's all (good) new(s) to you!

A Digi-Single Gift From Bonnie 'Prince' Billy
posted October 14th, 2010
Artists in this story: Bonnie "Prince" Billy